Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Last Time I Blogged Mike was going to Canada and I was finishing up the Twilight books. Mike had a great time in canada. Everything is way more expensive there though. He went to Mcdonalds to eat lunch and it was $12 just for him! Everything is written in French and English. He said that they all say "ay" at the end of everything and he wasn't sure if they wanted him to agree with them or if they were asking him a question.
I finished the Twilight books. The fourth one is my favorite. I love them all. I have seen the movie twice and will probably buy it. There is a lot in it that would not make sense to someone who has not read the books. The books are a lot better than the movie. I still suggest you read them.


First Day in New York

Second Day in New York, Palmyra and the Sacred Grove

New York Day 3 Times Square, Manhatten

This was the funnest Place ever! Times square New York

The Statue of Liberty