Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Wasting away

Today is one of my very rare days off. I had planned on cleaning the house, doing laundry and going through the stuff in my garage. It is 7:30 PM and I haven't done a darn thing! I straightened my room and bathroom and did one load of laundry but that's it. I have spent the whole day on the computer! UGG! Now I have to spend my next day off cleaning....or do I? Mike is off Tomorrow and the next day and I have to work I will just leave him a list of things to do! HA HA HA HA I am evil!!!!!


Tiffany said...

Kristy Sue, I do that too! It's so had to be contructive when you're working all the time...you need a day of rest!

Good luck getting Mike ot do the cleaning! Ha!

Kiera said...

Hey Kristy, its Kiera!! I didn't know you had a blog! How are you guys doing? What have you been up to? We are doing great. You can check my blog to see what we are up to! This will be great, now I can see what you guys are up to all the time!!!

First Day in New York

Second Day in New York, Palmyra and the Sacred Grove

New York Day 3 Times Square, Manhatten

This was the funnest Place ever! Times square New York

The Statue of Liberty