I couln't believe it! I was working at Shopko today and a few of us were gathered in the customer service desk and our manager was telling us a story about how he got his nickname when all of the sudden the Security team comes running out of their office and two of them went out one door and the other two went out the other. They came back in with two other men with them. They couldn't tell us what they had stolen but we had to keep them locked in the back room until the cops got there. There is a little "jail cell" in the back office, I bet you didn't know that because I didn't until today. Well, while we were waiting for the police to arrive we heard a big noise outside. There were helicopters flying around! The police station called the Security gaurd and let him know that it would be awhile before anyone could come because there was a high speed chase going on on 17th street! (that is the one and only main street in our town) So about an hour had passed and the police station called again to make sure the men we had in custody were not causing too many problems because the chase was still going on and now shots had been fired! Well 17th street is just outside of Shopko and it was close to closing time so we had to leave the building in groups because when we left the people in the high speed chase still hadn't been caught. I know this kind of stuff happens in Salt Lake a lot. But, For it to happen here is pretty rare. It's kind of like in the movie Goonies when Chunk sees a high speed chase and smashes his pizza and shake against the window at the diner! it made my day a bit more interesting any way!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Kimberly!
It is my sister's 27th birthday today!
Can you believe she went from this: (Kimberly 1 month old)
(Kimberly in Pensecola, Florida at the Beach)
(Dad walking with Kimberly, he did that ALOT!)
To this: (Mom and Kimberly at Grandpa Harts 80th Birthday party)
(Me and Kimberly at Korry and Albeths Wedding)
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 4:17 PM 2 comments
I was on the News!
I was working on Thursday in the N.I.C.U. One of our babies had a very rare procedure done to save her life a few weeks ago. So all of the News stations and the Newspaper were there doing a story on her. I was Trying to stay out of the way because I looked like crap that day! I just pulled my hair back, so just ignore that. I had to take the cover off of her incubater so they could get some pictures of her and that was fine. When they turned off the cameras I went to put the cover back on and they turned the cameras back on! That was not nice! I would let you watch the story of what happened, except I can't get the video to download to my blog. If you want to watch it put your email in my comments and I will email the video to you. She is the cutest baby! It really is a miracle that she survived!
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 3:14 PM 0 comments
Last Sunday we had a few visitors come to see us! Mike's Mom, Cyndee and his sister Cheryl came in the early afternoon. We went to the store to get some snacks so we could have some while we played games. We were trying to kill some time before we went to Olive Garden to meet Mike for dinner. When we got back to my house, My brother Korry, and his wife, Albeth were waiting for us! They brought their new car up to show us and of course to let me see Albeth's belly! She is 20, now 21 weeks pregnant with a Boy! She says it's a BLUE! She is such a cute Pregnant lady. Good thing because they told me they were going to have 5 kids and they are just going to keep having them. Good luck with that you two! I will love it! I love being an aunt. We went to Olive Garden for dinner and then spent the next few days hanging out, playing games and laughing! I had a blast! I love it when people come to visit. Korry lit a fire for us both of the nights he was here and we roasted Marshmallows and made S'mores! It was great! I made a slideshow of the pictures that I took while they were all here it is posted on the right side of my blog. Check it out!
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 3:00 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
I've Been Tagged by Tiffany!
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules. 2. Share 5 facts about yourself. 3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them). 4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
OK here it goes:
1. I have a diamond on my tooth! Not a lot of people know that but it is usually one of the first things people say to other people when they introduce me to someone. I got it when I got my braces off. My orthodontist glued it on. It is a real Diamond from "The Shane Company". I forget it is there until people say something about it. My mom wanted to get one too but my dad wouldn't let her.
2. My best friend Tiffany, who sent me this tag, beat me up when I was four years old. She bet me that I wouldn't put this on here so I had too! (Your Welcome Tiff:)
She didn't want me to go home one day when we were playing. My mom was going to make cookies or something and I wanted to go help. Tiffany didn't want me to leave her house so she pinned me up against her fence. I still to this day do not let her get over that!
3. I met my husband at Mcdonald's, when I was 15! That was 10 years ago I can't believe it! We dated all through High School. We got married when I was 20 and now I am 25. Our anniversary is next month. We will have been married for 5 years! I told him I want diamond earrings. Lets see if I get them. I love you Mikey!
4. I am addicted to Cherry Icee's! I love Cherry Icee's! The Wal-Mart by my house has a Mcdonald's in it that has an Icee Machine in it. Every time I got to Wal-Mart, which is a lot considering that is one of the only places to shop where I live, I get a cherry Icee. K-mart has them too I have discovered, But they are usually out of cherry so I have to get blue. The movie theaters have cherry Icee's too. I get one if we ever go to the movies.
5. I lettered in Seminary in High School. That is the only thing I got a letter in. There isn't really anything you can put on a lettermans jacket for that so I didn't ever buy one, But I got a certificate and everything for lettering in Seminary.
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 10:02 PM 1 comments
Mike is forgiven
Mike missed my birthday and I gave him a bad time about it. So the next day, he bought me a "belated" birthday card and a new scrub top for work. It is really cute. He also baked me a cake! I was amazed because he never cooks! He even put sprinkles on the top.
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 11:11 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 11, 2008
Happy Birthday to me!
It's Official! I am a quarter of a century old!! I turned 25 years old today! I wanted to go home to Salt Lake to see all of my family and friends but my wallet wouldn't allow it. I have a lot of bills to make up for that car accident and two surgeries from a couple months ago so we are broke! I miss everyone and I am very sad that I didn't get to see you for my birthday. I will come in a month or so. Mike didn't get me a card...or flowers..or a present...needless to say, he is in trouble with me! I did get to go to dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then to see a movie. We went and saw "Bucket List" it was funny and really sad at the same time! Texas roadhouse was FREE because Olive Garden and Texas Roadhouse made this really sweet deal that the managers from each restaraunt get to eat at the other one for free. I LOVE that deal! Mike and I both got Ribs (YUMMY!) and a steak and it was FREE!! That is the best deal ever! I had free movie tickets from my work to go to a movie so that was free too! I told Mike that he went all out on that one! LOL He is going to take me to see "Fools Gold" Tomorrow for Valentine's Day because he has to work on the real Valentine's Day. I am excited to see that. Albeth, My sister in Law, said it is a really good movie. I called my Grandma and Grandpa Hart and told them I was a quarter of a century old and my Grandma said, "well, I am three quarters of a century old!" My grandpa said, "yeah, and I'm a century old in 19 years!" so when you put it in that persective, I am not that old, but I sure do think so! My cute little neices called and sang "Happy Birthday" to me on my answering machine. They are pretty good little singers! I had a good day, although it would have been better in Salt Lake with my family. There is always next year......
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 10:17 PM 4 comments
Taste the POO!
I saw at the store today that they are now making CHOCOLATE skittles. I am not sure how I feel about this. The theme for skittles is "Taste the Rainbow". The last time I checked, the colors in the rainbow were red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange, and blue. NOT BROWN. Now in the past skittles had made variations of the "rainbow" colors to make tropical skittles and berry skittles, but at least they were colors. It is like they decided to let their kids come up with the new color and use fingerpaints. They just mixed all of the "rainbow" colors together to make BROWN. Brown is usually the color of Poo so Mike and I think the new theme for skittles should be "Taste the Poo" . I have yet to try these new candies, but I am a little skeptical. If anyone is daring enough, let me know how they taste. Aparently they have been out since October 2007, but I have been a little "laid up" since October. So, maybe someone has already tried them. Here is a website that has a review for these new candies http://candyaddict.com/blog/2007/10/01/candy-review-skittles-chocolate-mix/
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 9:30 PM 3 comments
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Let it snow..Let it snow..Let it snow..SOMEWHERE ELSE!
This has been some of the coldest and windiest storms I have seen in my life here in Idaho Falls! It is so cold with below zero degree weather and wind chill that chills right through your bones. The snow is deep and it just keeps on coming! In fact rumor has it that we are in for another big one tomorrow! I am not looking forward to it. I don't even own a pair of boots! I am going to get some as soon as they get more in stock! All of the stores are out of boots and snow shovels! They can't seem to keep them in stock! When it is not snowing the wind is blowing the snow off of the rooftops onto the passers by. They don't even plow the streets in Idaho falls! Getting out of our driveway is a nightmare! I am dreaming of white sandy beaches, clear blue water and a bright shining sun! I think Hawaii sounds great right now!
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 1:14 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Here Doggy, Doggy, Doggy!
Mike and I went to watch Sherrie's dogs this week. Sherrie is another manager that Mike works with at the Olive Garden. She has two dogs, Sissy and Oscar (like Oscar Meyer Weiner) they were really nice dogs! They hardley ever barked. They would go outside when you told them to. They love to sit in front of the little space heater that Sherrie has for them on the floor. It was really fun. Except for this one time at dog camp :) when oscar (the brown one) ate too much and got sick and threw up everywhere, which in turn made me throw up because I had to clean it up! That wasn't so fun!
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 9:47 PM 1 comments
Saturday, February 2, 2008
President Hinckley
President Gordon B. Hinckley will be greatly missed. He passed away January 27, 2007. I can remember when he became the Prophet of the church. I remember listening to him during conference, I'll admit, usually he was the only one I listened to. I would always have conference on in the background of whatever I was doing and when it was his turn to speak, I would stop whatever it was and turn up the volume and listen. I got the chance to go to the conference center and hear him speak at two different conferences. He was so kind to everyone. I loved watching him walk into conference waving his cane to say hello. He almost always had a little joke added in his talks. I remember this last conference in October, 2007 he said, " I know you are not supposed to use the same talk more than once, but I have given over 200 talks so I am going to use one of those." He made everyone laugh. I thought it was really cute. President Hinckley has been the prophet for most of my life that I can remember. I will miss him, but I know that he is with his wife for eternity now. He is in a much better place then we all are. I can only hope to one day make it there to see him again. As quoted from his funeral services today, and a hymn, "God be with you til we meet again." Goodbye President Hinckley.
Posted by Mike & Kristy at 4:46 PM 1 comments