Sunday, February 24, 2008

I was on the News!

I was working on Thursday in the N.I.C.U. One of our babies had a very rare procedure done to save her life a few weeks ago. So all of the News stations and the Newspaper were there doing a story on her. I was Trying to stay out of the way because I looked like crap that day! I just pulled my hair back, so just ignore that. I had to take the cover off of her incubater so they could get some pictures of her and that was fine. When they turned off the cameras I went to put the cover back on and they turned the cameras back on! That was not nice! I would let you watch the story of what happened, except I can't get the video to download to my blog. If you want to watch it put your email in my comments and I will email the video to you. She is the cutest baby! It really is a miracle that she survived!


First Day in New York

Second Day in New York, Palmyra and the Sacred Grove

New York Day 3 Times Square, Manhatten

This was the funnest Place ever! Times square New York

The Statue of Liberty