Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Here Doggy, Doggy, Doggy!

Mike and I went to watch Sherrie's dogs this week. Sherrie is another manager that Mike works with at the Olive Garden. She has two dogs, Sissy and Oscar (like Oscar Meyer Weiner) they were really nice dogs! They hardley ever barked. They would go outside when you told them to. They love to sit in front of the little space heater that Sherrie has for them on the floor. It was really fun. Except for this one time at dog camp :) when oscar (the brown one) ate too much and got sick and threw up everywhere, which in turn made me throw up because I had to clean it up! That wasn't so fun!

First Day in New York

Second Day in New York, Palmyra and the Sacred Grove

New York Day 3 Times Square, Manhatten

This was the funnest Place ever! Times square New York

The Statue of Liberty